The journey to create our own version of root beer began over three years when Gregg, our co-founder, mixed in mesquite bean syrup into a batch of root beer. This experiment turned into a drive to figure out how we could make it in larger batches. Well, three years later, we did it!
Root Bexar, pronounced Root Behr, isn't a funny name in these parts. Bexar County is where our hometown San Antonio is located. Originating from the word "abeja" translated into "bee" in English it's fitting that we do use local honey as part of the formula. But we aren't here for the honey, we're here for the mesquite bean!
Our mission at Southside Craft Soda is to create flavors inspired by our culinary heritage in South Texas. Root Bexar, is just that. Mesquite Bean adds a unique, sweet, earthy, nuttiness to the taste profile. Blending with traditional ingredients like sassafras, wintergreen and other flavors, you get a wintergreen note on the top, a sweet and almost caramel mid-note and a clean, nutty finish.
Currently the product is available in several local locations including Jefferson Bodega, Longtab Brewing, Alamo Brewery, Dos Sirenos Brewing, Lick Ice Cream and Bobo's Snack Bar in Austin.